Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pool Time

Owen doesn't seem to mind the pool this summer, but next summer should enjoy it a lot more
Owen's swim buddy Jaxon, my friend Ali's little boy who is 11 months old

Much better picture at the pool than we took last month of these little guys

Jaxon checking out Owens hat

Jaxon: "Uh, mom he is falling on me....I don't think I like this much"

Ever since Owen was about 6 weeks old I have been taking him to the pool! I love the water and wanted to get him used to it at a young age. Like I said on the first pic, he doesn't seem to mind it much and has grown a little more fond of it as he has gotten older, but still doesn't Enjoy it like I'm sure he will next summer. My friend Ali and her little boy Jaxon get together with us at least once a week and we love to hit up the pool with them. Jaxon is getting to a really fun stage and will crawl around the water and even walk with his mom's help so it is really quite a lot of fun. It is sad because summer is coming to an end and we won't be able to lounge at the pool anymore this year, but it has been a lot of fun!!!

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