Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Owen is 4 Months Old!!

So what has Owen been up to lately you ask?? Here is a brief summary:

1. Sleeping longer stretches at night (very good for momma's sanity;-)--6 to 7 hours on his first stretch, then another 3 hours after filling his belly around 3:00 am. Still doesn't sleep very well at daycare for naps....there is just too much going on and he doesn't want to miss any of it I guess! Naps well at home though with usually at least a couple good 2-3 hour naps.

2. Eating more too, averages ~4-5.5 oz......which shows in how long he is getting (by our measurement, the little man is around 24 inches now which is 4 inches longer than when he was born). As for his weight, well our scale needs new batteries so we will update you on that when we go to his 4 month appointment on friday

3. Smiling/laughing/cooing a lot more also!! Some mornings we can hear him in his room just talking up a storm and when I go in to get him he will look up at me and smile from ear to ear! Ahhh, the rewards of parenting:-) Thinks Murphy is pretty funny too and will smile and laugh at him when he gets close.

4. Is grabbing at objects a lot more: He likes to grab blankets/burp rags/his bib etc. and put them up to his face. He enjoys grabbing at his toys hanging down from his playmat and his car seat handle. I even caught him this morning trying to grab the little bear that is in the farthest corner of his crib this morning....guess I'll have to remove that sometime soon!! Also does his best to grab at the dogs, but doesn't always succeed before they run away.

5. The little dude is incredibly mobile as well and if he can push off of something with his feet he will turn himself around completely.....shouldn't be too much longer until he can roll over on his own:-)
6. Still doesn't like tummy time a whole lot on the floor, but does pretty well on his tummy while laying on daddy's chest.
7. LOVES putting his fists/fingers/thumb in his mouth (yes, his thumb......Kevin says it is ok though at this point because it isn't "coordinated thumb sucking"......whatever you say;-) Sometimes he even sticks his finger in so far that it makes him gag and he hasn't quite figured out yet that if he takes them out then he won't gag anymore.....maybe someday!!
8. Recently has started to enjoy watching the TV. It doesn't seem to matter if its HGTV, TLC, The History Channel, or Cartoon Network.....he pretty much likes it all. Its probably just the lights and the sound:-) Don't worry though, I don't put him in front of it for hours on end!
It is almost unbelievable that 4 months have already passed since Owen came into our lives. We are so blessed to have such a sweet, adorable little boy and look forward to watching him continue to grow. Stay posted for the Month 5 update....who knows maybe Owen will be walking, talking, and potty trained by then. Okay, so probably not but should have some exciting new update in the life of our little man by then!!

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