Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Friday, February 4, 2011

3/4 year old (The Big 9 months!!)

I thought 6 months old was a ton of fun, but it just gets more fun with each month. Owen is learning so many new things now and is so anxious to explore EVERYTHING! It brings so much joy to our lives to see him experience so many things in this world for the very first time:-) Since I didn't post much of an update on what Owen has been up to lately last month, I will try and catch you up on the many new things that have happenened in the world of Owen in the last couple of months, enjoy!

Stats from his 9 month appt:
Weight: 17 lb 3 oz. (10th Percentile)--he gained almost a whole pound in the last month!!
Height: 27 3/4 inches (20th Percentile)
Head Circumfrence: 97th Percentile

1.) Eating: This kid can eat thats for sure. He is down to only 3 bottles a day now (1 after each nap). He eats rice cereal or oatmeal mixed with fruit for breakfast, and 4-5 oz of fruit and 4-5 oz of veggies for both lunch and dinner. And of course we have started working on letting him feed himself..........he will eat pretty much anything that we are eating as long as he can gum it;-)

2.) Sleeping: Has been sleeping from about 7 pm-6:30 am which is fantastic!! He occasionally wakes up in the night crying (I think he must have bad dreams;-() but if I go to him, he calms down and goes right back to sleep. Oh, well someday in the next 20 years maybe I'll get a good week full of interrupted sleep;-)

3.) He has 2 teeth now on the bottom. The first came in the end of December and the second came during the middle of January sometime. It is too cute to see those little chompers. And yes, we have started brushing them!! He isn't much of a fan of the regular toothbrush, but loves the Sonicare electric toothbrush so we use that on him.....it works better anyway. He is such a smart kid already;-)

4.) We have a mover!! The boy doesn't ever want to sit still and has figured out how to get up to a sitting position from being on his tummy as well as the other way around. And he army crawls EVERYWHERE:-)

5.) The little sinner in him has also started to come out with tantrums when he doesn't get his way, sometimes it is so funny you just want to laugh but know you probably shouldn't! Looks like it is time to start "training" him.........Kevin and I are up for the challenge!
Owen is learning things so quickly now so stay tuned for next months update and see what new things he has picked up in the last month


  1. Leave it to you guys to use a sonicare toothbrush on Owen :D. Such a big boy!!

  2. Yes, love the toothbrush thing!

    I bet #2 is being caused by #3... even though doctors (and perhaps dentists??) will say teething causes no side effects. :P If you're a parent you will come to find out that, YES IT DOES! :)

    He's adorable.
