Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lucky Number 7!!

Yep, thats right...........Owen is 7 months old!!! (well actually 7 & 1/2 since it took me so long to do this post, but who's keeping track;-) This was the first month of pics that I barely had to con him into smiling big for the camera. He is a very happy boy with a lot of smiles!!

I think this month has been the most fun with Owen learning so many new things and being interested in EVERYTHING! We can't get enough of watching him soak in life like a sponge. Here are this months stats and activities in the Life of the Owen Man:
*It sure seems like Owen is growing like a weed, even if his stats don't show it. A week or so ago when I weighed him he was 15.2 pounds (such a little peanut). He eats like its his job, so he must have a super high metabolism. Height:?? Head Circumfrence: still big:-)--at his month check his head was in the 95th percentile while his weight and height were below the 5th. Maybe someday his body will catch up to his noggon!!
*Food: I weaned Owen this past month (which was much harder on me than on him!!) so now he is on formula and drinks 6-8 oz. bottles at a time, depending on how famished he thinks he is;-) It is funny because over the last month he has decided that he really likes baby food and would much rather just eat that than his bottle, so we have to make sure he drinks his bottle before we give him baby food so that he actually gets those much needed calories!! He gobbles up his rice cereal and fruit and has decided that he isn't such a fan of some of his veggies, but he still is a great sport and eats them anyway. Another new thing we tried this month are Rice Rusks that are kind of like a rice wafer for a baby that dissolves in their mouth, but helps them work on coordination with feeding themselves. It is very messy, but he enjoys them!!
*New tricks
1.) Sits up very well all by himself now
2.) Has started to smack things with his left hand (hmmm......do we have a lefty??)
3.) Does a balancing act trick with Daddy...............not easily explainable, but fun!
4.) Plays peek-a-boo with his tag blankie
5.) Cracks up laughing at Daddy...........it is such a cute, contagious laugh
Owen will be going on his first international flight (only to Mexico, but nonetheless an international flight) and will be putting his little piggies in the sand for the very first time in a week so stay tuned for pics from our trip to Cancun. On to Month 8.........

1 comment:

  1. How have I JUST NOW discovered your blog! How exciting! :)
