Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Monday, October 18, 2010

Halfway to One Year Old!

6 Month Fun!!!!

Somebody found their toes:-)
Propped in the Boppy, Owen can feed himself a bottle
Enjoying the Jumperoo
All dressed up in Hawkeye Gear.....and his Black and Gold Nikes
First time eating solids......yummy rice cereal
ALL OVER his face, and yes we did get some in his mouth;-)

And now for the 6 month pics:

(it gets harder and harder ever month to keep him from sticking the sign in his mouth or crinkling it up.....this month he won!!)


Yep, another month has passed already in the Life of Owen!! Its hard to believe that a year ago he was just a little peanut forming in the womb......and making Mama sick as a dog while doing all this growing. And now he is 6 MONTHS OLD already, where does time go?? So here is what the little dude has been up to this month:

6 Month Stats: These are approximate since he doesn't have his 6 month appt until October 22nd: Weight=somewhere between 14.5 and 15 pounds, Height: Long (really I haven't measured his length in awhile, but he is super long.....must get that from his dad), Head Circumfrence=??. I will let you all know his stats after his appt tomorrow.

Eating: We have a growing boy on our hands.........Owen is eating anywhere from 5-7 ounces per feeding and will even hold his own bottle if sat in the Boppy on the floor. I think he feels like pretty big stuff when he is feeding himself;-) We also started solids this month. Rice cereal was first; we mixed it with breastmilk and he loved it, but when mixed with formula he wasn't such a fan. Now we just mix a little bananas in with his cereal and he chows down!! We have also tried a few other fruits and vegetables and he seems to enjoy the sweet potatoes, pees, apples, and bananas the best. He doesn't mind the others (squash, avocado, apples), but they aren't his absolute favorites. I have started to make baby food with the VitaMix and freeze it in ice cube trays and it is a lot of fun......along with being a lot better for Owen and less money out of our pocket in the long run:-) I think if he could eat what we ate he would do it, he is always staring at us while we bring food to our mouths or trying to grab at our food and put it in his mouth himself.

Sleeping: Praise God!!! Owen is sleeping much better at night now, usually from around 7:00 pm until 6:00 am (I may have to put his pacified back in around 4am or 5am, but that will usually get him to go back to sleep for a little while longer at least). The only time he doesn't sleep very well, and really it is the only way I know something is up, is when he has an ear infection. Ear infection #4 is under way now.....more on that later. He is also on a pretty routine nap schedule now: 9:00 am is nap #1 and between 12:00 and 2:00 pm is when he goes down for nap#2. Sometimes, he may even take another short little nap late afternoon if one of his first 2 morning naps wasn't very long. I am so thankful that he is a good napper, it is so much fun to go into his room when he wakes up from a nap and see a huge smile on his face!!

Playing: This month Owen started to really enjoy the Baby Einstein Jumperoo (Thanks Aunt Peggy). He loves playing with the toys on it and I think really enjoys the freedom it gives him to move around without laying on his back or tummy. Whoever invented the jumperoo was a genius!! Also has developed a huge interest in playing with his toys......they still all go in his mouth but it is fun to watch him grab at them. Owen still really enjoys singing songs and loves being tickled......he squirms and grins from ear to ear.......and when tickled under his chin he cracks up laughing:-)

Firsts: Owen has had quite a few firsts this month also. 1.) Found his toes......and yes they go to his mouth too!! 2.) Sits up on his own (well for a few seconds at least......sometimes longer if he is concentrating) 3.) Has started to grab at things above his head.....toys on his carseat handle, faces above him, the dogs, etc. 4.) Trys to copy us when we move our tongue, he moves his lips and tongue


Like I already mentioned above, Owen is on his 4th ear infection in 2 months. So what does that mean.......well, tubes are in his near future, November 5th to be exact. They usually don't put tubes in until babies have had 5 or 6 ear infections in a year, but since Owen started having ear infections before he was 6 months old, he has not started teething, and it isn't winter yet, the ENT doctor told us it probably wouldn't get much better. So we made the decision to have tubes put in his ears to help drain the fluid. Please be praying for our little guy that day. Even though it is a very short, routine procedure he will have to be put under so we would really appreciate your prayers that everything would go smooth and that Kevin and I would be at peace while his surgery is under way.

We also started reading out of his Beginners Bible this month..........I don't know if he really enjoys it or gets anything out of it, but it is a good habit to get into if we are going to start teaching him about the Lord. When God entrusted Owen to us, we knew our job wasn't just to help him grow physically and emotionally, but more importantly to help him grow spiritually and to raise him in the fear and admonition of the Lord. What a Big, but Great responsibility!!

Anyway, this is getting long...........but Owen is starting to do so many fun things and I just had to share them with you!! Hope you enjoyed the post, stay tuned for Month 7!

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