Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Big Boy Stuff

This past weekend, Owen attended his 3rd wedding reception....he has gotten to be quite the socialite!! I had to include this pic because he looked like such a little dude in his wedding attire.

For Mother's Day this year (my very first!!), Kevin bought me a double jogger/bike trailer/stroller called the Croozer. You're probably wondering why we got the double???.....well,eventually we plan on having more so doesn't it make sense!! Up until now Owen has been to small and didn't have much control over his head so I haven't used it. Last week, however, I decided that he would probably be just fine in it since he is starting to control his head much better (Plus, I put a head support in just to be safe). I got him all ready to go and just had to take a couple of pics because he looked so funny all strapped in with the head support, chest straps on, pacifier in, and hat on. I don't think he could move hardly at all;-) I think he really enjoyed his first ride in the jogger since he could actually look out the front, which he can't do yet in his other stroller. What a great Mothers Day gift that I'm sure I will get a lot of use out of...it is pretty much AWESOME!

Recently we had a few things embroidered with the HFD logo on them and decided it would be so fun to get Owen advertising for the practice at such a young age. The shirts turned out super cute and wore them proudly. Since his little shirts were so small they had to put part of the logo (the smile) on the front and the rest of the logo on the back. You can also see in the first picture that Owen is starting to lose his hair big time:-( Oh well, it will grow back!!

Lately Owen has really liked watching Cooper and Murphy! These dogs don't even have a clue as to what is ahead once Owen is big enough to harrass them. Needless to say, we are trying to get them used to Owen before that time comes in hopes that maybe they will be more tolerant of his taunting!
Sitting up (with a little help from dad) and hanging out with the dogs
Owen was petting Cooper, well more like touching and grabbing than petting him;-)

Owen and Kevin

1 comment:

  1. he is so adorable, guys! i love it! growing up to be such a handsome little guy! looks like you guys are having a blast with him - he is lucky to have such wonderful parents - and it only gets better as he gets older! =)
