Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

OOPS......Lilly Months 2-4

When they say time flys even faster the more kids you have, they aren't kidding!! Time is flying so fast in fact that I haven't even done a blog post since Lilly was 1 month old.........shame on me, I know:-) Over the last 3 months Lilly has really started to have a little personality and we love interacting with her now! She has definitely become a Mama and Daddy's girl and prefers for us to hold her most of the time. She will pout that little lip of hers out if she is being held by someone other than Kevin or me.......even if it is someone she sees quite often. She is a lot different than Owen in her personality, but some of the things she does like the lip pout and quiver remind me of when he was her age. Man, they grow up FAST!! So, here are Lilly's stats from her 2 month and 4 month appointments. That mama's milk is really making her grow like a weed!

2 months:

Weight--11 lb 3 oz (50th percentile)

Height--22 1/2 inches (50th percentile)

Head Circumfrence--40th percentile

4 months:

Weight--13 lb. 13 oz. (50th percentile)

Height--24 3/4 inches long (70th percentile)
Head Circumfrence: 25th percentile (I won't give you the actual numbers, because who really ever asks how big your babies head is around??;-)

*Eating 4-6 oz about 6 times a day........she doesn't waste her milk EVER and still likes to nurse on my days off work

*Sleeping from about 8-6 (sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later).....usually around 10 hours a night

*Transitioning into taking a morning and afternoon nap

*Likes being on her tummy more and more, but still isn't a huge fan

*Enjoy's playing in her playmat and grabbing the toys
*Has started to laugh when being tickled under her chin

Stay tuned for more fun updates on both kiddos

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