Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Friday, September 30, 2011

We are now a family of 4!!

Owen laying down with Lilly on her blanket

Kind of blurry, but sweet nonetheless

This was the outfit we brought Lilly home from the hospital in, but I didn't get a pic that day...they each child has less pics taken of them and that is true for us!

Attempt at a family pic......we will attempt it again in the future and hopefully it will turn out a little better;-)

Our first trip to the park.....Owen took time out from playing to give his Sissy a kiss


Such a sweetie

My mom stayed with us for 2 weeks to help out and Owen LOVED his time with Bama!

Loving on Sissy

WOW!!!! It has been WAAAYYYY too long since I have done a blog post, but now that our sweet little daughter Lillian (aka Lilly or Sissy) is here I thought I had better get back to updating it a little more frequently. As most of you know we welcomed Lilly into the world on September 9th and she has been bringing so much joy to all of our lives since she breathed her first breath in this world (and even before then). She is so much like Owen in some ways and so much different in other ways, but overall is a very easy and content baby!! Owen is absolutely smitten with her and LOVES giving her nice slobbery, but very genuinely sweet kisses all the time. Here are a few pics of the last 3 weeks since we brought her home.

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