Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Monday, May 2, 2011

ABC's and 123's

The theme for the party was ABC's and 123's.....and a lot of bright colors!

The yummy trail mix concoction
The Birthday Boy

Opening gifts......his older friends were great helpers in the unwrapping department

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you......."

Owen was digging the chocolate cake......he did a number on it

Owen checking out his new car from his Grandpa Chuck and Grandma April

This pic doesn't capture how much Owen actually really likes his wagon.....here he is with his cousin Ethan

Owen's first birthday party was a huge success!!! It was a ton of fun and we realized how blessed we are to have so many people to love on our little dude. I couldn't have done it without my Mom (she was my lifesaver in preparing for the party and I was so grateful to have her here for the week). It was a chilly afternoon so all 40 people or so had to hang out inside our house, but somehow it worked and everyone seemed to get along very well with one another. They didn't really have a choice since it was so packed. Owen loved all of his gifts and is enjoying them every day. When it came to cake time, he wasn't quite sure what to think, but as soon as Daddy stuck some chocolatey goodness in his mouth he was all over it and just kept shoveling it in until it was almost gone! We can't believe he has already celebrated his very first birthday and as we look back over the last year we can't believe he can possibly grow up any faster......but I hear the years just fly by. We Love You very much Owen and are so blessed to watch you grow every day!

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