Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Owen is 3 months old

Our little guy turned 3 months old last friday, July 16th!! He has really changed in the last 3 months:-) A few of my friends take pictures of their kids every month and I thought it would be a lot of fun to do that too so that we can watch Owen's progress....so here are months 1,2, and 3!
1 Month Old

2 Months Old

3 Months Old
Now that Owen is 3 months old, he is becoming quite a bit more alert! It is so much fun to watch him grow and learn about the world around him, here are some of the things he is up to:
  • Weighs in at around 12 pounds (has almost double his birth weight already)
  • Has outgrown his 0-3 month camo hat which means his head is getting bigger too!
  • He is smiling at us and even coo's on occasion
  • He loves his playmat and has started to grab the different toys hanging down
  • He's a little mover, ends up turning at least 90 degrees in his crib or while laying down on the floor
  • His head is getting much stronger, but he still does the bobblehead
  • Started daycare at Little Clippers in Tiffin in the Lil Sprouts (aka infant) room and so far has enjoyed it (at least the ladies at daycare say he does just fine.....)
  • Is sleeping about 5 hour stretches during the night.....I'll take what I can get
  • Loves, loves, loves putting both fists in his mouth (hasn't done the thumb yet though so that makes dad happy)
  • Really enjoys watching fans, looking at lights, and observing anything with contrasting colors

Stay tuned for more updates on our little man! We realize every day what a blessing Owen is and feel so fortunate that we are his parents. God has entrusted this child to us to bring him up in the fear and admonition of the Lord and we know what a big job that is and are excited to watch him grow in more ways that one!

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany, I love these pics! He is so precious...and I'm not just being cliche. It is so fun to look back on these pictures and see how big they've gotten! It will fly by...and he'll eventually sleep longer, or at least that's what I tell myself ;) (I love the comb-over, by the way)
